DYS 5040x3 raw DVR acro with sticks overlay

2,426 Views · Posted 7 years ago
Trying out the DYS 5040x3 instead of my usual KK5040. Lots more thrust and punch, to be sure! I didn't re-tune which is why there is a bit of propwash oscillation.

Frame: Lumenier QAV-R (GetFPV.com)
Motors: Rotorgeeks 7075 - 2205 - 2700kv (Rotorgeeks.com)
ESC's: Rotorgeeks RG20 Plus (Rotorgeeks.com)
Props: DYS 5040x3
FC: Xracer F303 v2.1 (FPVmodel.com)
Receiver: FrSky X4R-SB (Atees.com)
FPV Cam: Foxeer XAT600 HS1177 (Atees.com)
vTX: TS5823 (myrcmart.com)
Video Antenna: Aomway (surveilzone.com)
OpenLog: multirotormania.com

Betaflight 2.7.1
BLHeli 14.6
4k gyro sync / 2k motor updates and PID loop
30 degrees uptilt
Posted By

Joshua Bardwell


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